Imagine you’re calculating the average cost of water that flows from your tap over the lifespan of your home’s plumbing system. This calculation would include the initial installation costs, ongoing maintenance, the price of the water itself, and any other associated expenses. By dividing the total costs by the total volume of water you expect…
Energia in Ticino e Strategia Energetica 2050
Questi sono degli appunti stilati per un’eventuale conversazione al TED group discussion di impacthub ticino ( Le fonti principali: Consumi energia elettrica e non (2021) 8’988.3GWh o circa 25.5MWh pro capite o una potenza media di 4170W incluse perdite composti in: Nota:Elettricita’: 3253.76GWh – 36.2%Inquinante: 5734.54GWh 63.8%SE2050: 300% efficienza e 50% conversione: 956GWh in…
Energia Nucleare, Solare ed Eolica in Svizzera
This article is going to be in Italian, perhaps I’ll translate it to English one day. Buongiorno a te, chiunque tu sia. Questo articolo lo sto scrivendo fra le 2 e le 6 di notte (su molteplici mesi passati a scrivere e ricercare gli argomenti) ed e’ il risultato di uno sfogo all’ignoranza che purtroppo…
War and Nuclear energy
Alright hear me out, this is my first article and I have no experience in typing out my own thoughts. I usually enjoy debating with friends and colleagues in an interactive way so this might not come out as I envision it in my head. Follow along and see for yourself! War and gas supply…